Coordinator Positions:
These positions can be appointed by any committee member and requires a committee majority vote to take on the positions. The individual may continue with the position as long as they wish to do so and are willing and able.
- All positions below are encouraged to attend sports committee meetings or provide a report of their position for the month prior to the meeting. These positions do not have voting rights, but may be elected to a trustee position, or selected as a pastor appointee.
- Coordinators may be asked by the Sports Committee to temporarily fill a seat that is vacated. Under those circumstances, a coordinator will be granted voting rights.
- Discounts for Sports Committee Members will be 2 free CYO Registrations for the year they serve on the committee. Registration discounts may be rolled over and held for use in future years.
- Additionally, serving as a coordinator will absolve all volunteer requirements of that family as long as that individual is serving as the coordinator.
Sports Coordinator
The Sports Coordinators are responsible for the coordination and administration of the particular sports for which they are the assigned coordinator. The Sports Coordinators are appointed on an annual basis by and responsible to the Athletic Director and the Sports Committee. Sports Coordinators may be removed from their position at the discretion of the Athletic Director or by majority vote of the Sports Committee. In order to be eligible to serve as a Sports Coordinator, the candidate must have taken and completed the protecting God’s Children workshop offered by the Archdiocese of Detroit. The following are the direct responsibilities of the Sports Coordinators:
• Work with the Athletic Director and assist with the overall administration of the Sports Program.
• Assist the Athletic Director in administration of the Sports Program for their assigned season
• Assist the Athletic Director in interviewing and selecting coaches, determining the number of teams to register and determining the number of players per team.
Volunteer Coordinator
- Is responsible for recruiting and assigning volunteers for all St. Thecla home games
- Track and confirm completed volunteer hours
- Report hours completed by each family back to the Sports Committee
- Communicate volunteer expectations to the necessary families.
Tournament Coordinator
- Research and enter appropriate St. Thecla teams into tournaments
- Communicate with coaches on tournaments they’d like their team to enter
- Distribute necessary tournament information to coaches.
- Organizes and puts on a Christmas Basketball Tournament at St. Thecla.
- The tournament must be Boys and Girls, Varsity only
- Is assisted in necessary areas by both volunteer and concessions coordinators.
Concessions Coordinator
- Purchases and stocks appropriate operating supplies for game day.
- Must be present for at least half the day during home basketball and volleyball games.
- Ensures stand is ready to be opened the morning of game day.
- Helps ensure the stand meets health department requirements
- Helps ensure the stand is kept clean throughout the season.
Fundraiser Coordinator
- With the assistance of the Athletic Director and other committee members, plans and executes at least 1 large fundraising event.
- Facilitates and executes warm-up and spirit wear orders and designs for each team each season.
Uniform Coordinator
- Facilitates the passing out and collecting of uniforms for every team that season.
- Reports uniform counts and conditions to the Athletic Director and Sports Committee.
- Recommends purchases to the Athletic Director and Sports Committee.
- Keeps records as required by the Athletic Director